Inequality: عدمِ مساوات

Contract Workers Woes and Victories

Labour Judgement February 15, 2018 Parvez Rahim A SUPREME Court judgement dated Dec 8, 2017 has caused a stir among employers. A three-judge bench headed by the chief justice has directed the appellant company (ie Pakistan State Oil) to regularise the services of the respondent workers employed by various contractors — 210 in number. Consequently, […]

Inequality: عدمِ مساوات

Food for Thought on Patriarchy

    Women without agency YET again, the low status of women in this country stands exposed in all its ugliness. A United Nations report released on Wednesday examines the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and their impact on the lives of women and girls. According to the findings, 4.9 million women between the ages of […]

Inequality: عدمِ مساوات

الوداع عاصمہ جہانگیر

Pakistan’s Weak and Downtrodden Orphaned……………….. Obituary: Pakistan’s bravest citizen is no more Ahmed Rashid Updated February 12, 2018 NOBODY in Pakis­tan’s brief history, which has witnessed four military coups, has matched Asma Jahan­gir for her dedication to public service, her belief in the rule of law, her relentless defence of democracy and pursuit of free and fair […]